Vol. 1 No. 20 (2024): Non binarity: an emerging idendity in contemporary Brazil

					View Vol. 1 No. 20 (2024): Non binarity: an emerging idendity in contemporary Brazil

The issue of non binary trans identities has been the subject of increasing visibility and interest in contemporary Brazil, but also target of attacks in different fields. The decision to ban the use of neutral language by the state of Rondônia, a way to refer to non binary people in the Portuguese language, ended up taking the matter to STF Minister Edson Fachin, who decided to cancel the ban in November 2021. In a scenario of emergence of non-binary identities in the cultural and political field, it is essential that we circulate the theoretical-critical reflections that adress the questionings and subjective inter-gender productions, which shakes the binary organizational modes of thought and our way of seeing the world. The proposal of the present dossier, therefore, is a call for theoretical texts, translations, interviews, poems, manifestos, texts of cultural criticism, which thematize the issue of non binaries as transidentities.

Dri Azevedo - Professore substitute do departamento de Teoria Literária da UFRJ e doutora em Literatura, Cultura e Contemporaneidade pela PUC-Rio

Andrey Chagas - Doutorando em Comunicação e Cultura na UFRJ

Walla Capelobo - Mestra em Estudos Contemporâneos das Artes no PPGCA (IACS/UFF)

Published: 2024-03-13

Dossier 20 - Non-binarity

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