Serra, Ernesto (1858-1913). Journalist -Biography - Brazil. Marks of provenance. Collectionism.Abstract
This article aims to understand how provenance marks evoke and strengthen the memory of the Ernesto Senna Collection and allow its trajectory not to be forgotten. Ernesto Serra was an eminent journalist from Rio de Janeiro who actively participated in Brazilian culture and politics during the transition from the Empire to the Republic. The indicative paradigm was adopted as methodology, of historiographical origin, fully convergent to the field of studies of the marks of provenance. The following results were obtained: 1) the Ernesto Senna Collection signals that the study of provenance marks can be applied beyond the printed book and is open to documents of other natures - which may impose new methodological challenges; 2) our theoretical perspective that the immaterial and material dimensions of documents feed each other is confirmed. We conclude that the studies of provenance marks have not only technical dimensions from the observation of the documents' materiality, but also constitute a research field par excellence. Therefore, it is a field with an interdisciplinary and collaborative dimension, as it "borrows" knowledge from other disciplines and formulates its own specialized knowledge.
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