Os Saberes Docentes e as formas de inserção curricular da História das Mulheres nos Planos de Aula do portal Nova Escola (2017-2019)





This article intends to analyze the teach knowledge mobilized in the Lessons Plans that deal with the History of Women, in the educational website Nova Escola. Twelve Lessons anos were chosen for this analysis, wich are part of te “NOVA ESCOLA Lessons Plans” project and wich are,ording to the website, aligned withhe National Common Curricr Base (BNCC). From the analysis os three tables that consider e BNCC; the Class Plans and the forms of subjectivation of women in these Plans will be thought aboute interests, values and practices that are being chosen for the insertion of Women’s History in Class Plans in a highly visible website.


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Author Biography

Bárbara de Almeida Carvalho, Universidade de Brasília

Barbara de Almeida Carvalho.

Graduated in History from the University of Brasília - UnB.

Postgraduate student in History at the University of Brasília, in the line of Cultural History, Memories and Identities.

Email: barbara_almeida9@hotmail.com



How to Cite

Carvalho, B. de A. . (2023). Os Saberes Docentes e as formas de inserção curricular da História das Mulheres nos Planos de Aula do portal Nova Escola (2017-2019). Cadernos De Gênero E Diversidade, 9(1), 47–75. https://doi.org/10.9771/cgd.v9i1.48958


