Book, Material Culture, Musealization, DocumentationAbstract
Thinking about books as objects implies recognizing that, in some way, they are comparable to all and any object created to fulfill the most different functions, which can be produced in series and marketed, that is, treated as merchandise. This article aims to analyze the concept of book from the point of view of documentation considering the point of view of theoreticians from various areas of human knowledge, namely: Documentation, Information Science, Archaeology and Museology etc. A literature review was conducted on the book as a document, bringing together documentalists, historians and information professionals. It is concluded that marks of provenance singularize the book by linking it to a particular owner or a library. Since they are examined as objects, the musicological approach can also be applied to books, pointing out not only generic aspects such as the moment of their creation/authorship, manufacturing/publication but, above all, information about the individual trajectory of a copy based on the information available about its acquisition - the mark of its passage from merchandise to unique object.
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