


Information Architecture; AtoM; free software; digital repository.


Access to Memory, better known by the acronym AtoM, is a free software for archival description, which serves as a contribution to the dissemination of information from permanent documents. In this sense, we highlight another relevant factor when we talk about digital environments – Information Architecture – an area that enables the analysis of content on websites. Therefore, we focus on the analysis of this virtual environment in the light of the principles of Information Architecture. The purpose of this article was to analyze the AtoM website of the University of Brasília from the perspective of the Organization, Navigation, Labeling and Search Systems of Information Architecture. Methodologically, we used a qualitative approach, as well as a descriptive one, then made from the observation of how the contents of the AtoM page are arranged, relating to the aforementioned Systems. We were able to see that the arrangement of the information found on this website met the demand of the Information Architecture elements (its principles). We conclude that the exposed theme has incipience in the field of Archival Science and Information Science. Therefore, we emphasize that the precepts formulated by the AI Systems are essential to the understanding of users who use websites, when assimilated to a digital space of information to be considered trustworthy.


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Author Biographies

Wellington da Silva Gomes, Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Departamento de Ciência da Informação da UFPB

Marynice de Medeiros Matos Autran, Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Departamento de Ciência da Informação da UFPB


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How to Cite

Gomes, W. da S., & Autran, M. de M. M. (2022). ANALYSIS AND DESCRIPTION OF THE FREE SOFTWARE (AtoM) IN THE LIGHT OF THE INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE. PontodeAcesso, 16(2), 118–134.


