DEFENSE COALITIONS IN MARITIME CARGO TRANSPORTATION POLICY IN BRAZIL: privatization, decentralization and opening to foreign capital




Policy Process, Maritime Transport, Advocay Coalitions, Changes in public policies


The central question was the following: how and which defense coalitions influenced the Policy in the period studied and what were the beliefs and
values that delineated these coalitions? The work dialogued with the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF). The characterization of the coalitions
was defined based on three policy core beliefs: centralize or decentralize decisions on concessions and budgetary management of resources arising from commercial maritime activity; exploitation of services linked to the sector by public authorities or
private initiative; opening or not of foreign capital participation in port and navigation exploration (Campos de Oliveira, You and Coelho, 2021). In
sequence, three moments were determined to carry out a diachronic comparative study: the civilmilitary
dictatorship (1964/85), the reference for comparison with other periods; the constituent process of 1987/88 (T1); and the Port Modernization Law (T2). In the end, the work identified the
National Corporate Industrial Coalition as dominant in the policy subsystem. It was possible to identify greater conflict in the reform attempt carried out in
1993, without the potential, however, to generate significant changes in the policy. 


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Author Biographies

Henrique Campos Oliveira, UNIFACS

Doutor, 2020, e Mestre, 2011, em Ciências Sociais pelo Programa
de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais (PPGCS), da Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA). Realizou
doutorado sanduíche na University of Colorado (UC) na School of Public Affaris (SPA) em 2018.2.
Graduado em Negócios Internacionais pela Universidade Salvador (Unifacs) em 2008. Atualmente, é
professor do Mestrado em Administração e Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional e
Urbano, ambos da Unifacs. É líder do Grupo de Pesquisa em Relações Internacionais, Políticas Públicas
e Governo. Atua nas áreas de Comércio Internacional, Logística e políticas para o desenvolvimento.

Alvino Sanches Filho, Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA

Doutor em Ciência Política pela Universidade de São Paulo/USP. Professor do Departamento de Ciência Política, do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais e do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência Política, do qual é o atual coordenador. Pesquisador vinculado ao Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas em Humanidades/CRH da UFBa. Coordenador do grupo de pesquisa “Instituições políticas e políticas públicas”/CNPq.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, H. C., & Sanches Filho, A. (2023). DEFENSE COALITIONS IN MARITIME CARGO TRANSPORTATION POLICY IN BRAZIL: privatization, decentralization and opening to foreign capital. Caderno CRH, 36, e023038.