Vol. 18 No. especial (2023): Water, Food Sovereignty and Spatial Justice in Brazil

					View Vol. 18 No. especial (2023): Water, Food Sovereignty and Spatial Justice in Brazil

The II Seminar "Water, Food Sovereignty and Spatial Justice in Brazil" aimed to integrate and bring together researchers, professors, students and citizens in the construction of discussions of impact on the quality of life in Brazil, with special attention to the problem of water use surface and groundwater, a central issue in the national discussion on water availability. Its different uses by civil society, the State and the agribusiness business sector should be the focus of both academic discussions and communities in general, understanding water as a claim for the Brazilian agrarian issue.

This volume of Cadernos de Geociências da UFBA publishes the articles presented at the event, which took place online on October 5, 6 and 7, 2022 and was organized by the Nucleus of Regional and Agrarian Studies (NERA), by the Research Group Dynamics of the Territories (DIT), State Territory and Development Laboratory (LESTE), the Observatory and Water Management/BA (OBA), the Water Geography Research Network (RPGA), and the Center for Hydrological and Environmental Studies of the UFBA (NEHMA).

Published: 2023-08-17

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