Imagens Persuasivas:

Masculinidade e autoritarismo na cena política contemporânea



Masculinities, Authoritarianism, Politics, Images


This paper discusses the representation of virile masculinity in contemporary politics, and, particularly, the masculinist aesthetics bound to (far) right and, broadly speaking, to authoritarianism. The analysis focalizes on scenes and pictures, spread by mass and social media, where the association between politics and the praise for masculinist aesthetics is synthesized either in the figure of a head of state or his supporters. The analyzed images were produced in Brazil and in the USA between 2018 and 2021. Both by comparing them and by analyzing them separately, it becomes possible to show how, through a syncretic aesthetics, a masculinist international framework has been produced serving as a base for different political groups. Those visual resources are strategically conceived through heterogeneous references ranging from ancient stereotypes to emblematic images of contemporary masculinity. Those images, because of their high incidence in political scenes, can be understood as part of an anti-gender campaign in countries of the global South and North. Those representations, at the same time, foster a neo-fascist view in politics and mean a male chauvinist resented answer to the progressive advance of social gains brought in the last decades by feminist struggle and social movements bound to dissident gender and sexual identities.


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Author Biography

Lucas Maroto Moreira, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Bacharel em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Federal da Bahia (FFCH-UFBA), mestre em Arquitetura e Urbanismo (PPGAU-UFBA), atualmente doutorando em Antropologia pela Universidade Federal da Bahia. Tem experiência nas áreas de Antropologia Urbana, Antropologia do Corpo e antropologia do gênero e Antropologia Visual, com ênfase em temas relacionados a experiência da urbana e do espaço público. Pesquisou no mestrado vagabundagem e vadiagem de rua numa perspectiva histórico-urbanística. Atualmente dedica-se ao estudo sobre produção corporal entre as casas populares na musculação, nos esporte esportes de ação e outras práticas físicas, abordando temáticas como masculinidade , sexualidade e socialização. 



How to Cite

Moreira, L. M. . (2024). Imagens Persuasivas: : Masculinidade e autoritarismo na cena política contemporânea. Cadernos De Gênero E Diversidade, 9(4). Retrieved from


