Decisão judicial democrática: o caminho entre o dever fundamental à fundamentação democrática e o direito fundamental à resposta constitucionalmente adequada ou hermeneuticamente desvelada


  • Muriele de Conto Boscatto Faculdade Meridional IMED -Passo Fundo/RS.
  • Maurício Mosena Faculdade Meridional IMED -Passo Fundo/RS.



This study reveals the concern with the theme of “democratic
judi cial decision”, which presupposes the prior recognition, in
attention to requi act the validity ments under the law of a democratic
state, the fundamental duty to state reasons democratic and fundamental
right to cons-titucionalmente appropriate response. The theory
of fundamental rights gives the note of fundamentality to these
fundamental duty and right, giving the normativity needed their
applications. Already the Law Hermeneutics Review reveals how to
implement and performs these duty and fundamental rights, which
repre- sit face of the same coin, in overcoming voluntarism in the decision,
pro prio the subject of subjectivism as subject the object - or to
decide according to their conscience. The democratic reasoning leads
to the proper constitutional-mind response.


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How to Cite

Boscatto, M. de C., & Mosena, M. (2015). Decisão judicial democrática: o caminho entre o dever fundamental à fundamentação democrática e o direito fundamental à resposta constitucionalmente adequada ou hermeneuticamente desvelada. Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Direito, 25(27).