Folksonomy, Knowledge Representation, Knowledge Organization, Hybrid Knowledge Organization SystemsAbstract
Studies aspects related to Folksonomy and the collaborative representation of information in Information Retrieval Systems. Presents its main characteristics, positive and negative implications in the process of representation and information retrieval. General objective is to analyze the applicability of Folksonomy in the process of building and updating hybrid Knowledge Organization Systems, based on the results of national and international research in the literature. Uses bibliographic, exploratory, descriptive research with a qualitative approach as a methodology. Highlights the main contributions of the tools that combine the systematized structure of traditional knowledge representation tools with the latent semantics of Folksonomy in Information Retrieval Systems. Presents proposals that explore the potential of Folksonomy with the support of formalisms and methods used in the construction of terminological control instruments, revealing new perspectives to help the representation and exchange of knowledge in a web environment.
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