Organização do conhecimento, Semiologia e informática, Jean-Claude Gardin, análise logicista, análise documentáriaAbstract
This work is dedicated to the analysis of Jean-Claude Gardin’s contributions to the development of Knowledge Organization theories and practices. Gardin is considered the pioneer in research on the use of informatics in human and social sciences. He carried out innovative researches, from 1950 to 2010, on the relationship between Semiology and Informatics. These scientific productions have had important impacts in Western and Eastern Europe, as well as in Brazil. Gardin's theoretical basis on Discourse Analysis and its treatment and computational simulation rests on Linguistics, Logic and Pragmatism. The methods of Artificial Intelligence played a decisive role in his proposals and experiences. This paper also presents the philosophical conceptions that illuminated his researches and concludes paying special attention on his theories and methods. It also presents a bibliography that lists his works on Information Science and other areas.
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