Scientific Journalism: old problems and new perspectives


  • Anelise Rublescki ufrgs


Jornalismo Científico, Jornalismo, Comunicação Científica, Imprensa


The paper takes the Scientific Journalism as a mediator social practice, concerning to a particular type of information and techniques that guide the news’ writing process. Discusses the problems of Scientific Journalism’s practice in the great press, unfolding them into five broad categories: a) the relationship between scientists and journalists; b) the content and origin of the journalist informations about Science and Technology, c) the sensationalism of the press d ) the training of journalists e) the mono speech of Scientific Journalism’s sources. Also shows new perspectives for Scientific Journalism as theoretical field and practice: expanded coverage area, more spaces for scientific news on media, careful layout for news about science and technology and the increasing of courses geared to the Scientific Journalism, especially post-graduations. Uses examples of Veja magazine and Zero Hora newspaper.


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Author Biography

Anelise Rublescki, ufrgs

Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação e Informação da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, mestre em Ciência da Informação (UFRJ/IBICT), jornalista(UFRJ). Bolsista do CNPq.



How to Cite

Rublescki, A. (2009). Scientific Journalism: old problems and new perspectives. PontodeAcesso, 3(3), 407–427. Retrieved from


