Memrise, Duolingo, Pluricentric Portuguese, Teaching, PFLAbstract
This work observes the teaching of Portuguese as a foreign language in apps. For this, from a pluricentric bias, it describes two apps aimed at language teaching, and analyzes whether there is a predominance of a Portuguese language modality in relation to the other(s) in the Duolingo and Memrise tools. The methodology applied used the technical procedure of document analysis, in a qualitative approach, with restriction of the corpus to lower-level activities and information enclosed in the websites of the apps. The work finds its support on the ideas of Côrrea (2019), Kapp (2012) and Vincent-Layton (2019) for questions related to the teaching of PLE in apps, and on authors such as Hall (1996) and Batoréo (2014) for the debate on language and cultural aspects. The results point to the need for the apps to demarcate the Portuguese pluricentric character and exposing norms beyond Brazilian and European Portuguese.
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