


Deaf literature, Deaf identity, Libras and literature


This article aims to present some considerations about the importance and function of sign language literature for the construction of deaf students' identity. In Brazil, for twenty years, Libras - Brazilian Sign Language has been established as a language of communication and expression of the deaf community through Law nº 10.436/2002 and, since then, an arduous work has been developed by professionals in the area in order to enforce the Libras Law in the most diverse environments. Deaf literature – created in Libras – plays a fundamental role in shaping the identity of deaf students through the cultural representations of this community. Through it, it is possible to demonstrate that deafness can be seen only as a linguistic difference and not as a disability, as the clinical view claims, as Libras has the same functions and characteristics as oral languages. In addition, for deaf students, deaf literature brings with it the power of playfulness, imagination and self-recognition as subjects of value in a mostly hearing society. Researcher and professor Dr. Lodenir Karnopp, together with the deaf poet Dr. Cláudio Mourão, explore in various materials the relevance of offering deaf literature so that more and more deaf people feel protagonists of their own history.


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How to Cite

COSTA, K. DECOLONIZING KNOWLEDGE: THE IMPORTANCE OF SIGN LANGUAGE LITERATURE FOR DEAF STUDENTS. Estudos Linguísticos e Literários, Salvador, n. 73, p. 164–174, 2022. DOI: 10.9771/ell.i73.47979. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.