Instruções para os autores
Caderno CRH uses the Open Journal Systems (OJS) to manage and publish its content. Authors must submit their manuscripts exclusively through this system on the journal's website.
We ask authors to carefully read all the information about the submission process described below.
At the time of submission, it is mandatory to link the ORCID to the journal Caderno CRH ( When registering co-authors, if any, their ORCID code must be indicated. This code can only be filled in by the authors or co-authors of the manuscript.
Articles can be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish, or English.
The journal accepts articles with up to 04 (four) authors and co-authors. Bibliographical essays and critical reviews should have up to 02 (two) authors.
At least one author must hold a doctorate at the time of submission.
If it is in the interest of the authors, it is possible to publish bilingual articles (Portuguese-English or Spanish-English). In this case, the authors are responsible for the translation and final revision of the article, citing the author of the translation.
Contact with the journal is exclusively via e-mail:
Types of Documents Accepted
- The journal Caderno CRH accepts the following types of contributions:
- Thematic dossiers: thematic dossiers are proposed, based on a public call published on the journal's website and through the relevant research networks, by up to three organizers with doctoral degrees awarded by national or foreign institutions. The proposals submitted must comply with the rules of the public call, observing criteria of internationalization, institutional plurality, and gender and racial diversity. They are evaluated by the Editorial Council, which chooses, according to the journal's interest, three proposals to be published the following year. Each dossier should consist of five to seven original articles, plus an introduction written by the organizers (the introduction should contain substantive discussion and not just a presentation of the articles). The organizers contribute as co-editors of the issues in which the dossiers are published. Once the approved proposals have been published, the period for submitting articles is defined in agreement with the organizers. The articles that make up the dossiers go through an evaluation process as defined in the journal's rules. The set of texts should be around 180 pages long.
- Original articles on demand: articles on demand are received continuously via the OJS system. It is recommended that manuscripts have between 25 (twenty-five) and 30 (thirty) pages. The limit is up to 04 (four) authors. The texts must comply with the rules established by the journal and follow the normal evaluation flow, divided into the four stages described above.
- Bibliographical essays and critical book reviews: essays and critical book reviews can be submitted by free demand or by invitation from the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board and the review editors decide on publication, taking into account the rules of the respective sections. The reviews must be critical in nature, provide new knowledge beyond a simple summary of a work; the full reference of the book reviewed must precede the texts; they must have their title, different from the title of the work; the book that is the subject of the academic review tends to be non-fiction in nature and must have been published up until the year before the review was submitted; reviewers must include quotations and bibliographical references in the text to support their argument. The text must have a maximum of 7 (seven) pages and up to 02 (two) authors. Any further questions can be answered in the section rules or by emailing the journal.
Responsibility for Published Content
- The authors are responsible for the originality and truthfulness of the content presented in the articles, as well as for the revision of the language and its compliance with the ABNT norms.
Authors' Contribution
- Caderno CRH uses the CREDiT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) taxonomy structure.
- All authors must describe their participation in the preparation of the manuscript using the CREDiT form. This information will be included in the “Authors' contributions” section when the article is published.
Manuscript Preparation
- It is up to the authors to make sure that the submission is original and unpublished, i.e. the work must not have been previously published and/or submitted simultaneously to another journal; for this, we recommend filling in the Declaration of Originality, available on the Caderno CRH website, which must be signed and digitally attached to the system at the time of submission as an additional document.
- To ensure the integrity of the double-blind peer review, all possible care must be taken not to reveal the identity of authors and reviewers during the review process, except in cases where an open review is decided upon. This requires authors, editors, and reviewers (who may send documents to the system as part of the evaluation process) to take certain precautions with the text and document properties:
- The authors of the document should exclude their names and the titles of their works from the text, replacing them with "Author", "Title of the Work" and the "year" in citations, references, and footnotes, instead of authors' names, the title of the article, etc.
- In Microsoft Office documents, the author's identification must be removed from the document's properties (in the File > Properties menu) by starting with File in the main menu and clicking on the sequence: File > Save as > Tools (or Options on Mac) > Security options... > Remove personal information from the file when saving > OK > Save.
- In PDFs, the authors' names must also be removed from the Document Properties under File in the Adobe Acrobat main menu.
Article Submission Format
- Manuscripts must be subjected to spelling and grammar checks before being submitted to the journal.
- Articles must contain:
- All text submissions must be accompanied by a separate file containing the title of the text (up to 70 characters with spaces), in Portuguese, English, and Spanish; the names of the authors; full institutional and home addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail address, curriculum synopsis (details of academic background, institution of affiliation and main publication in up to 150 words) and ORCID, which is mandatory at the time of submission (if you don't have it, you must register on the ORCID website).
- In addition to the above information, articles and critical reviews must include an abstract (up to 800 characters with spaces) and between three and five keywords. The title, abstract, and keywords must be in Portuguese, Spanish, and English. The abstract should present the article's objectives, methods, and main conclusions.
- The profiles of all the authors must be filled in completely in the OJS system under the “other details” tab.
- Texts should be submitted in Word, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, body 12, including notes, tables, graphs, and bibliographical references. Margins: top = 3 cm, bottom = 2 cm, left = 3 cm, and right = 2 cm.
- Texts should have a maximum of three levels of intertitles, organized as follows: 1st INTERTITLE - Bold capitals; 2nd Intertitle - Only capital initials and bold type; 3rd Intertitle - Only capital initials and italic type.
- Notes should be substantive and not bibliographical; they should refer to information and/or comments that complement the text.
- Textual quotations should appear “in quotation marks” and neither bold nor italics will be used for this purpose.
- Italics should be used to emphasize concepts that constitute the main ideas to be highlighted. Under no circumstances should bold or underline be used for this purpose. Italics also apply to all foreign terms used in the text.
- Cardinal numbers that refer to enumerations are written in letters, except for dates, years, tables and graphs, volumes, or pages; when they are followed by units of measurement; and when they correspond to percentages. No paragraph should begin with a number written in figures.
Digital Assets
- Graphs, tables, and images must be inserted in the text and must also be sent separately from the text file, in an editable format in the original file. Images and maps must be of good quality (resolution).
- Please note that articles must be accompanied by the appropriate copyright authorizations if they include images (photos, maps, graphs) that require this.
Citations and References
- Bibliographical citations must comply with ABNT - NBR 10520, including them in the text. E.g. (Martins, 1986). When they appear in quotation marks, the page number should be added, e.g. (Martins, 1986, p. 95). Several documents by the same author with the same dates should be distinguished by adding lowercase letters in alphabetical order (e.g. Martins, 1986a) (Martins, 1996b). Reference to an author's ideas in the text, without transcription, follows the example. E.g.: (Cf. Martins, 1986). Before sending the text, the author must make the citations compatible with the bibliographical references.
- Bibliographical references should be guided by ABNT standard NBR-6023|2018; at the end of the article they should be in alphabetical order by the author's surname (capitalized), name, title, subtitle (if any), edition, place, publisher, date of publication, page and/or volume, following ABTN standards, according to the examples below:
EDER, K. The new politics of class. São Paulo: EDUSC, 2002. 362p.
- Books by various authors
DONIOL-SHAW, G. et al. Les plans d'égalité professionnelle: Étude/Bilan, 1983-1988. Paris: La Documentation Française, 1989.
- Book chapter
DINIZ, E. From Sarney to Collor: the metamorphosis of the public agenda. In: DINIZ, E. Crise, reforma do Estado e governabilidade. Rio de Janeiro: Editora da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, 1997. p. 113-138.
- Article in a collection organized by the author
ZICCARDI, Alicia. Cities and the social question. In: ZICCARDI, Alicia (Org.) Pobreza, desigualdad social y ciudadanía. The limits of social policies in Latin America. Buenos Aires: CLACSO, 2001. p. 85-126. (Colección grupos de trabajo).
- Article in a collection organized by the author together with another
HIRATA, H. Presentation to the Brazilian edition. In: MRUANI, M; HIRATA, H.. (Orgs.) As novas fronteiras da desigualdade: homens e mulheres no mercado de trabalho. São Paulo: SENAC Editora. 2003. p. 15-20.
- Article in a collection organized by another author
SILVA, Léa da. Are we all the same? In: LOVELL, P. (Org.) Desigualdade racial no Brasil contemporâneo. Belo Horizonte: UFMG/CEDEPLAR, 1991. p.161-170.
- Magazine article
HIRSCH, J. Global Environmental Policies. Caderno CRH, Salvador, Centro de Recursos Humanos da UFBA, n.35, p.107-122, jul./dez. 2001.
- Academic thesis
JESUS, S.C.S. A crise do habitus fordista: um estudo do processo de reestruturação do Banco do Brasil. 2003. 154 p. Dissertation (Master's Degree in Social Sciences) - Graduate Program in Social Sciences, Federal University of Bahia.
- Works consulted electronically
BOYER, R. Is there a crisis of the welfare state? A comparative study of social policy in France. In: ILO. International Labor Organization. 2002. Available at Accessed on: 01.11.2003
- Seminars and congresses
SANTOS, Milton. Metropolitan innovation and the segmented economy. In: SEMINAR METROPOLIZATION AND URBAN SEDE - PERSPECTIVE OF THE 90'S. Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro: IPPUR/CNPq. 1990.
- Second occurrence by the same author
GOFFMAN, E. Encounters: two studies in the sociology of interaction. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Educational Publishing. 1961.
GOFFMAN, E. The representation of the self in everyday life. Petrópolis: Vozes. 1983.
Indication of the original edition of the work (when necessary)
In the body of the text:
(Durkheim, [1895] 1989).
Note: The date in brackets indicates the year of original publication of the work. It is only given when the work is first cited in the text. In subsequent citations, only the date of the edition consulted by the author is given. E.g.: (Durkheim, 1989) (N.E.)
In bibliographical references:
Durkheim, Émile. The division of social labor. 1st edition [1895]. Lisbon: Editorial Presença Ltda, 1989.
Work in another language
Do not translate reference data, cf. GOFFMAN (1961) in the example above.
Supplementary Documents
- When submitting the manuscript, please send in the Open Science Compliance Form and the ethics committee approval form, if necessary.
Financing Statement
- Inform all sources of funding and support for the work, including the names of the institutions or public or private agencies, the project or contract number.
- Only institutions should be listed. Individuals who supported the research can be listed separately and will appear in the “Acknowledgements” section in the approved version of the article.
Additional Information
- Any questions or clarifications can be sent to the Editor of Caderno CRH at The Editor reserves the right to decide on any cases that do not apply.
Universidade Federal da Bahia - Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas - Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas em Humanidades (CRH)
Estrada de São Lázaro, 197 - Federação, 40.210-730
Salvador, Bahia Brasil,
Tel.: +55(71) 3283-5850