Crisis of presence, Bloom, Tiqqun, Neoliberalism, ReciprocityAbstract
This article brings a reflection on the potentiality of Ernesto de Martino’s concept of “crisis of presence” to understand neoliberal subjectivity and its collapses. The crisis of presence is the fragility of being that generates a loss of the capacity for action on the objective world, in such a way that the individual is acted upon by the world instead of acting for her/himself, thus losing her/his agency. This concept was taken up by the Tiqqun authors to discuss the existential crisis in the neoliberal regime (Bloom’s theory). Critically following these authors, it is argued here that such a crisis is inseparable from the decline of relations of reciprocity in neoliberalism, as well as from the rise of a centripetal subjectivity based on the consumercommodity relation in this governance of life.
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