COMPLEX URBANITIES: considerations on the aging of cities




Urban Aging, Decaying Buildings, Urban Ruin, Demolition, Urban Authenticities


The text presents a reflection on urban aging and the challenges brought to both urbanism and the social sciences. In an assumed preference for interdisciplinarity, the text rescues some theoretical contributions (such as those of G. Simmel, J. Jacobs, R. Smithson, and Sh. Zukin) that are treated as reference to various urban projects (from Brasília to Pruitt-Igoe to the Nagakin Capsule Tower). Multiple languages and disputes are also brought to the discussion, with an emphasis upon the current views of the classic anti-interventionists and restorationists dispute. The author attributes centrality to the issue of demolition of buildings and questions its effects for a desirable preservation of the culture and the history of cities. Finally, he reveals his hope in the joint work of urban planners and social scientists.


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Author Biography

Carlos Fortuna, Universidade de Coimbra

Doutor em Sociologia pela State University of New York – Suny (Binghamton). Professor
Catedrático da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra – Feuc (Coimbra). Investigador do
Centro de Estudos Sociais, é autor de “O mundo social dos ruídos”, Análise Social (Lisboa) (prêmio do
melhor texto publicado em 2020) e Cidades e Urbanidades (editora Insular, Florianópolis, 2020).


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How to Cite

Fortuna, C. (2022). COMPLEX URBANITIES: considerations on the aging of cities. Caderno CRH, 35, e022034.