


Telework, Labor flexibility, Labor Law, Female employment, Home-based work


Based on a historical overview on the emergence
of telework, this study examines the contradictory
capitalist trends of concentrating and displacing
labor, investigating the similarities and differences
in telework regarding traditional forms of homebased work. To do so, it analyzes the work process and the nature of activities developed under this modality from a Marxist approach. This historical
perspective contributes to build a long-term view of
the transformations studied and to question deeply
rooted preconceptions about female employment,
related to women’s supposed preference for
performing domestic work activities. Moreover, it
allows us to ponder the usefulness of incorporating
legal devices created to regulate home-based work
into telework legislation, which would contribute
to avoid labor flexibility therein.


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Author Biography

Marina Kabat, Faculdade de Filosofia e Letras da Universidade de Buenos Aires

Doutora em História pela Universidade de Buenos Aires. Professora do Departamento de História da Faculdade de Filosofia e Letras da Universidade de Buenos Aires. Pesquisadora do Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), desenvolvendo pesquisas na área de história do trabalho, mudanças nos processos de trabalho, legislação trabalhista, conflitos trabalhistas e a relação do movimento sindical com governos populistas. Publicou, entre outros textos, o livro Perónleaks, una relectura del peronismo en base a sus documentos secretos (Buenos Aires), em 2017. 


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How to Cite

Kabat, M. (2022). WORK PROCESS, LABOR LAW AND FEMALE EMPLOYMENT. Caderno CRH, 35, e022025.