PUTTING IDEAS BACK IN PLACE? non-linear temporalities in Brazil’s authoritarian neoliberalism and its digital infrastructure


  • Letícia Cesarino Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)




Neoliberalism, Platformization, Brazil, Bolsonarism, Crisis


The article approaches how the populistauthoritarian inflection of global neoliberalism has gained traction in Brazil through friction with
its post-colonial historical condition, marked by a disjunction between egalitarian, universalist liberal ideals and an unequal, particularistic social
reality. I will pay special attention to infrastructural convergences between neoliberalization and platformization, which, by creating a paradoxical
temporality of permanent crisis, resonate with “forces and powers” that also operate non-linearly
according to a metaphysics of disorder, such as the various forms of nostalgia, millenarianism, and
traditionalism that follow the rise of the radical right throughout the world. I developed this argument focusing on two moments of Bolsonarism: the populist messianism during the 2018 elections, and its paradoxical routinization as a parasitic government operating in a temporality of exception, during the Covid-19 pandemic. This article suggestes that, in the face of the illiberal drift of
contemporary neoliberalism, Bolsonarism propels Brazil into an avant-garde, putting ideas “back in


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Author Biography

Letícia Cesarino, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)

Doutora em Antropologia pela Universidade da Califórnia em Bekeley. Professora do Departamento de Antropologia e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Desenvolve pesquisas na área de antropologia digital, neoliberalismo, cibernética e teorias de sistemas. Suas mais recentes publicações são: Pós-verdade e a crise do sistema de peritos: uma explicação cibernética. Ilha Revista de Antropologia 23, nº 1 (24 de fevereiro de 2021), p. 73-96; Antropologia digital não é etnografia. Civitas - Revista de Ciências Sociais 21, nº 2 (24 de agosto de 2021), p. 304-15.


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How to Cite

Cesarino, L. (2021). PUTTING IDEAS BACK IN PLACE? non-linear temporalities in Brazil’s authoritarian neoliberalism and its digital infrastructure. Caderno CRH, 34, e021022. https://doi.org/10.9771/ccrh.v34i0.44377