Social Subjection, Machinic Enslavement, Digital Platforms, Subjectivity, Machine-ManAbstract
The article proposes to investigate whether engendering social subjection and machinic enslavement, as proposed by Maurizio Lazzarato, helps to understand the reality of work on digital platforms for the transport of people in Rio de Janeiro. For this, four interviews were qualitatively analyzed from a semi-structured questionnaire
and we discussed mainly the forms of control by the platform companies and the personal selfexpectations and motivations of these workers, concluding that the use of the consolidated subjectivity in the figure of the “self-entrepreneur” added to the de-subjectivation and the impact of
the assignifying signs in the pre-subjectivity of individuals are important and complementary
elements in the perception of the empirically studied object. The article concludes that the machineman of machinic enslavement is completely
accomplished in the platform work.
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