WORK, IDENTIFICATION, AND RECOGNITION: one consideration and two questions about meritocracy and normativity


  • Luiz Gustavo da Cunha de Souza Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Social division of labor, Reciprocal recognition, Meritocracy, Normativity, Selfregulated work activities


This article deals with the relations between work and recognition. It takes as its point of departure Axel Honneth’s idea of a normative character from individual acknowledgements. To do this, the article presents a review of relevant literature and also discusses exerpts of semi-estructured interviews. The first section (I) tries to connect the concepts
of work, identification and recognition in order to show a differentiated version of the thesis of division of labor, in which socially organized labor,
functional identification and social reproduction are connected through social recognition. Following that, it discusses (II) Honneth’s diagnosis of a
barbarization of the social conflict as a diagnosis of the current state of division of labour. On the third section (III), the article presents sections of
two interviews made by the author, which will help (IV) delineate a model of sociology of work based on the theory of recognition. On the whole, here is presented a conceptual  reflection accompanied by informative insights about how perceptions of merit affects the relations between work, identification, and recognition.


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Author Biography

Luiz Gustavo da Cunha de Souza, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Departamento de Sociologia e Ciência Política. Doutor em Ciência Política pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp). Principal publicação: Souza, L. G. C. Reconhecimento, redistribuição e desreconhecimento. Um debate com a Teoria Crítica de Axel Honneth. Florianópolis: Editora UFSC, 2019, 293 p.


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How to Cite

Gustavo da Cunha de Souza, L. . (2023). WORK, IDENTIFICATION, AND RECOGNITION: one consideration and two questions about meritocracy and normativity. Caderno CRH, 36, e023026.