




This article deals with the influence of technology on individual subjectivity, human and non-human, by breaking the anthropocentric paradigm. In this area, the question is: is it possible that technology can be used to safeguard the dignity and torture-free existence of the subjects? To this end, the paper is divided into two sections. The first deals with the becoming of the potency of the living animal being - technology as a trans- and post-human tool to collapse anthropocentrism. The second deals with animal robots: technological transhumanism as a tool to safeguard the subjective interests of human and non-human sentient entities. Using the hermeneutic phenomenological approach method, with bibliographical procedure method and research technique by fiches and summaries, it is concluded that robotization by substitution is the technological version that safeguards animal dignity, human and other than human.


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Author Biography

Karen Emilia Antoniazzi Wolf, Faculdade de Direito de Santa Maria - FADISMA

Departamento do Curso de Direito

Area de Direito Civil


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How to Cite

Antoniazzi Wolf, K. E., & Lopes Saldanha, J. M. (2023). Português. Brazilian Animal Law Journal, 18, f282302. https://doi.org/10.9771/rbda.v18i0.49517



Direito Animal