Brazilian Animal Law Journal <p class="CorpoA">The RBDA is the first Journal of Animal Law in Latin America. It is a <strong>quadrimestral journal</strong>, with <strong>continuous flow</strong> and <strong>open access</strong>. Published since 2006, It is linked to the Center for Research and Extension in Animal Law, Environment and Postmodernity (NIPEDA) in the Postgraduate Program of the Law School of UFBA. Its classification in the <strong>CAPES/QUALIS is A1.</strong></p><p class="CorpoA">It is indexed in UFBA's Open Journal Systems <strong>(e-ISSN: 2317-4552)</strong>, as well as available on the website <strong>Animal Legal &amp; Historical Center of Michigan State University College of Law</strong> (<a href="" target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl=";source=gmail&amp;ust=1623945211475000&amp;usg=AFQjCNFMqrRmeUT5ILEQm5CiUC1vVsDBSQ"></a>), and may eventually be released in print.</p><p class="CorpoA">Its relevance goes beyond its<strong> pioneering work in Latin America</strong>. It soon became a forum for international debate and research, contributing significantly to the evolution of thought towards the recognition of Animal Rights. The journal has published articles on <em><strong>speciesism, the legal status of animals, habeas corpus for great primates, animal abolitionism,</strong></em> among other innovative themes that have introduced new theories in this branch of Law.</p>Its main goal is to disseminate academic knowledge in the field of <strong>Bioethics and Animal Rights</strong>, publishing unpublished articles and national and foreign court precedents, with innovative and relevant contributions, which have quality approved by competent peers. Universidade Federal da Bahia pt-BR Brazilian Animal Law Journal 1809-9092 <p>1. Autores mantém os direitos autorais e concedem à revista o direito de primeira publicação, com o trabalho simultaneamente licenciado sob a Licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional que permite o compartilhamentodo trabalho com reconhecimento da autoria e publicação inicial nesta revista.</p> <p>2. Autores têm autorização para assumir contratos adicionais separadamente, para distribuição não-exclusiva da versão do trabalho publicada nesta revista (ex.: publicar em repositório institucional ou como capítulo de livro), com reconhecimento de autoria e publicação inicial nesta revista.</p> <p>3. Autores têm permissão e são estimulados a publicar e distribuir seu trabalho online (ex.: em repositórios institucionais ou na sua página pessoal) a qualquer ponto antes ou durante o processo editorial, já que isso pode gerar alterações produtivas, bem como aumentar o impacto e a citação do trabalho publicado.</p> DIREITO PARLAMENTAR, QUESTÃO ELEITORAL E A RELAÇÃO CIÊNCIA/LEI: BÚSSOLAS NA INSTITUIÇÃO DE POLÍTICAS E LEGISLAÇÃO ANIMAIS <p>The examination of laws, in most cases, tends to assess the ultimate result of legislative production. Inquiries about how the procedures chosen in the houses, the promises made, the rhetorical quality, and the ability of parliamentarians to form coalitions contribute to a given diploma are not so common. Faced with this scenario, this study aims to coordinate efforts to understand the parliamentary production of diplomas on fauna, based on the following issues: (i) how do electoral and legislative cultures contribute to the production of reasons in animal politics and legislation? (ii) to what extent do the sciences dedicated to fauna approach legislative material? The debates on how the interaction between electoral and parliamentary dynamics impacts laws on animal protection and how both incorporate studies dedicated to this theme are structured in a first moment. Following that, the main reasons in sectorial legislations are analyzed. For each stage of this reflection, a specific methodological approach was defined. In the first stage, the method of narrative literature review was adopted, seeking to understand these branches of law based on the material factors that underlie them; in the second, a documentary analysis of legislations and their drafts was carried out, an empirical review of some legislative debates to enhance the previously seen discussions.</p> Rhuan Filipe Montenegro dos Reis Marcelo Rodrigues dos Reis Copyright (c) 2024 Brazilian Animal Law Journal 2024-05-04 2024-05-04 19 2 V052402 V052402 10.9771/rbda.v19i0.58945 Theory of Animal Legal Capacities <p class="western" align="justify"><span style="font-family: Calibri, serif;"><span style="font-size: small;"><span lang="en-US">The essay proposes a dogmatic theory to discriminate the rights of non-human animals, according to their legal capacities attributed by the Brazilian legal system. Assuming that, under Brazilian law, animals are subjects of rights without legal personality, animals are classified into three levels, based on the rights that the members of each of them have, using, as a distribution criterion, the normative attribution of the right to life. Thus, analyzing national normative and jurisprudential sources, it presents the characteristics of the levels of full legal capacity, full reducible legal capacity and reduced legal capacity, pointing out the groups of animals that belong to each level. Next, it analyzes themes arising from the levels of animal legal capacity: capacity in fact of animals, their legal representation, the nature of animal rights, freedom as an animal right, animals and the right to civil reparation and the consequent formation of its own animal heritage, ending up resolving the controversy about animals as subjects of duties. The theory of animal legal capacities, although dogmatic, nevertheless envisages more emancipatory possibilities for animals in the future. The conclusion is that the systematization of animal rights is essential to guarantee more complete and coherent judicial decisions, in order to rationally favor the judicialization of Animal Law, as a way of including these living beings in a broader moral community.</span></span></span></p> VICENTE DE PAULA ATAIDE JUNIOR YURI FERNANDES LIMA Copyright (c) 2024 Brazilian Animal Law Journal 2024-05-16 2024-05-16 19 2 V052403 V052403 10.9771/rbda.v19i0.59041 ANIMALS: FROM THE PORTUGUESE CIVIL CODE, TO THE REVISION OF THE BRAZILIAN CIVIL CODE <p>The article seeks to reflect on animal themes. On the one hand, about the civil legal status emerging from the reform of the Portuguese Civil Code and the resulting implications, in terms of a legal nature or dogmatic qualification. On the oher hand, about the review process of the Brazilian Civil Code, as well as the most appropriate strategies, with the aim of disconnecting the animal from material stuff, in addition, safeguarding the right of animals.&nbsp;</p> José Luís Bonifácio Ramos Copyright (c) 2024 Brazilian Animal Law Journal 2024-05-01 2024-05-01 19 2 V052401 V052401 10.9771/rbda.v19i0.61025