The child as a model in the teaching of the buffoon in Jacques Lecoq and Philippe Gaulier



Buffoon, Child, Theatrical Pedagogy, Jacques Lecoq, Philippe Gaulier


This text aims to expose the obvious relationships as well as the tacit ones between the figure of the child and that of the buffoon in the theatrical teaching of Jacques Lecoq and Philippe Gaulier. Drawing on the words of both pedagogues, but also on his practical experience at the Philippe Gaulier School, the author points out and problematises the evocations of the child, its presence and its play, as vectors of pedagogical explorations around notions such as cruelty, truth, polymorphism and innocence in the actor's apprenticeship within the dramatic territory of the buffoons.


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How to Cite

Cardoso Scalari, R. (2023). The child as a model in the teaching of the buffoon in Jacques Lecoq and Philippe Gaulier. Repertório, 1(40). Retrieved from