
  • Luis Guilherme Barbosa dos santos Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Robson Corrêa de Camargo Universidade federal de Goiás


Architecture; Theater; Memory; Senses; Design.


This article aims to conceptually bring architecture and theater closer together, from the perspective of the Finnish architect Juhani Pallasmaa (1936). The reflections presented in this article were based on the analyzes of Professor Tomoko Tamari, from Goldsmith - University of London, among other authors. For Tamari and Pallasmaa, hand drawing is more than just a muscular response to this act, involving the human senses, memories and imagination, to the detriment of computer drawing. Here, we start a debate about the connections between the idealization of architectural and scenic spaces, in a fusion between the imagined and the designed reality. The tool-hand, structured by time and experience, is the agent for the expression of the artist's Self and thus, in these connections, in Edward Gordon Craig and Adolphe Appia, artists and directors who used their tool-hands to structure the first traits in the modern scene.


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How to Cite

Barbosa dos santos, L. G., & Corrêa de Camargo, R. (2023). THE DESIGN OF SPACES: DESIGN, TACTILITY AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURE AND THEATER . Repertório, 1(40). Retrieved from