Feminist movements represent the struggle against the inequality conditions violently imposed on women in a patriarchal society. In this sense, these movements’ agendas involve the search for the transformation of patterns and of society as a whole, beyond their concrete demands and specific actions. Part of the feminist’s claims involve the creation of public policies and the interaction with the State in search of the enforcement of rights. Considering the context of Brazilian social movements in the last decades, their repertories of collective action involve opposition and confrontation, as well as negotiation, social participation and even institutional activism in the State. The goal of this paper is to understand the central ideas and demandsof three feminist movements that act in Belo Horizonte - Coletivo Ana Montenegro, Movimento Olga Benário and Marcha Mundial das Mulheres -, exploring their positions and forms of action and interaction with the State and their perspective of intervention in public policies. The article approach is based on social movements studies, mobilizing the concepts of frames, repertoires of collective action and repertoires of interaction, besides the feminist literature that brings up the specificities of these kinds of movements. The aim is to analyze the forms of collective action of the focused feminist movements and their relation with the State, as well as their perspective on this interaction from the interpretative frames of each movement. To this end, the methodology employs, besides the bibliographic review, documentary surveys and interviews with activists from the movements.
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