challenges of the 21st century
Discusses the challenge of being an immigrant and refugee and how digital culture can contribute to the act of being in foreign lands become less complex for those who arrive there. In the 21st century, immigration and refugees should no longer be treated as they were in previous centuries, leaving people completely dependent on their own fate or totally dependent on the goodwill of others. With digital technologies, it is possible to make information reach the immigrant or refugee in real time and alert them about what they will find and how they should act so that this period of adaptation to the new environment has fewer mishaps. Thus, their vulnerability and exposure to psychological and physical violence becomes smaller and the adaptation and inclusion may be faster in the new community. The article employs a qualitative methodology with bibliographic and reflexive theoretical text. It concludes that using technologies, it is possible to promote the good without looking at whom or looking at everyone who is fragile, vulnerable, or insecure, because they do not know the environment, culture and language and thus preventing them from psychic and physical violence, protecting them from inhuman exposure and exploitation.
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