
  • Renan Monezi Lemes Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso



Teoria Racial Crítica, Relações dialógicas, Discurso


This article aims to discuss the existing dialogical relationships between two opinion articles that address the same theme, Critical Racial Theory in the United States of America. For the accomplishment of this work, the theoretical propositions of Bakhtin and the Circle were used, with the intention of subsidizing the conceptions of enunciation, discourse and ideology. The methodology used was bibliographic with a qualitative approach. In this sense, it was possible to identify an ideological clash arising from socio-historical processes that constituted different enunciative and, consequently, discursive materializations, dissolving the concept of truth and bringing the protagonism of the subject-reader to the complex dialogic plane of ideological identification.


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How to Cite

MONEZI LEMES, R. LANGUAGE, RACISM AND POLITICS: : CONFRONTATION BETWEEN TWO OPINION ARTICLES ON CRITICAL RACIAL THEORY. Estudos Linguísticos e Literários, Salvador, n. 78, p. 381–405, 2024. DOI: 10.9771/ell.v0i78.55138. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 oct. 2024.



Dossiê Linguagem e Racismo