Latin American poetics; Yuyachkani; Theater, memory and childhood.Abstract
In 2021, the Grupo Cultural Yuyachkani celebrated 50 years of a theater interested in discussing memory and forgetfulness. The acts of battling for dissident narratives, separated by official history and colonial violence, make the peruvian collective a protagonist of Latin American ways. Such themes do not appear only in the plays, but in several interventions in the world. Among them are workshops, performances and public interventions, especially in communities in peripheral or rural regions. This article intends to reflect about the taller de niños that invites children and adolescents to learn about Latin American stories that are rarely accessed in formal education institutions in the country. In an integrated arts process, starting from a literary tale, through playful agency and rescuing family and ancestral memories, participants have the opportunity to build a scenic experience that expands their reference to the world.
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