


Cesário Verde, António Botto, Comparative Literature, Portuguese literature, Poetry


This paper seeks to reflect on the echoes of Cesario Verde in the poems of António Botto, especially in works published from the late 1930s. In this phase of production, the poetic subjects of a considerable part of Botto's poems present some of the aspects of Cesarian poetry, such as the aesthetics of a flâneur gaze that wanders through Lisbon and observes the various social types that make up its urban population. Botto, in these works, reveals a very little explored aspect of his poetry, which is his capacity for social analysis. To think about the contact between Cesário and Botto, we start from the method formulated by Silvina Rodrigues Lopes (2012), which indicates how the summoning of previous readings of the poets under analysis, the history of poetry, the varied knowledge of themes and the various previous ideas can be useful to attribute a greater complexity to the reading of the poetic text, since it reveals the frictions between different literary projects that move the literature.


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How to Cite

PAULA NETO, O. J. de. ECHOES OF CESÁRIO VERDE IN ANTÓNIO BOTTO’S POETRY. Estudos Linguísticos e Literários, Salvador, n. 73, p. 261–283, 2022. DOI: 10.9771/ell.i73.48489. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.