Contemporary Brazilian literature, Autobiographical narrative, Afro-BrazilianAbstract
This article approaches the knowledge (LOPES, 2010; SANTOS, 2015) in the second work by the writer Carolina Maria de Jesus, Casa de alvenaria (1961), an autobiographical text that begins with the daily reports as an author about to be published, with Quarto de Despejo (1960). Repetition (RIBEIRO, 2017) is an element of analysis that interests this study, realizing how the textual aspects dialogue with the constructions of meaning present in the act of living and narrating oneself. The concept of playfulness (PAVANI, 2010) is presented in order to understand the author's performative occupation in these spaces and paths traveled, in the same way that one has the reading of the landscapes present in the work as an unfolding of these (re)elaborated poetic reflections. In this direction, it is worth mentioning that there are other categories of analysis, such as ambiguity and animalization (SENS, 2019).
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