Queer Pedagogy, Critical Language Education, Sexuality, PerformativityAbstract
This papers presents a reflection on the integration of a queer and emancipatory pedagogy into language classrooms, aiming to question heteronormativity and the gender/sex binary. In these pages, we offer a journey through queer theory in its application to teaching in the Galician educational system, and we provide some didactic interventions from which to test performative pedagogical proposals in the future. We present this approach as an essay that attempts to incorporate into secondary education a way of being a teacher and being a student that focuses on the fluid, (the search for) questions more than clear and unambiguous answers, and experimentation through language play. To do this, we review the main foundations of queer pedagogies in articulation with linguistics and language teaching, ending with some post-identitarian activities for Galician and Portuguese language classes.
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