


Song of Songs; Biblical poetry; Eroticism; Literature.


Analyze the biblical poetry of the book Cantics of Songs highlighting its insertion in sapiential literature and its content of eroticism love in the sacred canon. This article is based on theorists who deal with the theme not as an object of science and reason, but as inseparable human forces of man and as valuable instruments for his existence. Anchored in Otávio Paz's statement that there is no love without eroticism as there is no eroticism without sexuality this analysis is presented through the ideas of scholars who understand poetry as the result of the multiple feelings detailed in the poem by bringing a poetry tangled between love and eroticism perceived in each verse, making the reader imagine and understand the meaning of the poetic word. According to studies undertaken, it is understood that love is focused as a socializing element that benefits both gods and men: It is he who pulls us out of isolation, who brings men closer, principle and bond to society. Eroticism, on the other hand, is, in general, an infringement of the rule of prohibition; is a human activity; eroticism is the poet's salvation and sin, reality and sublimation of being, purity and desecration of the soul, encounter and perdition of man. Literature, in this sense, will be the way to walk in the poem its nuances and its terrains. The ideas of Archer (2001), Amaral (2009), Cavalcanti (2005), Ravasi (2003), Stadelmann (1993), Mazzarolo (2000), Alberoni (1996) Paz (1999), 2012), Stendhal (1993), Amaral (2009), among the others mentioned in the text that allowed the understanding and meaning to what this study proposes to discuss.


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How to Cite

DA SILVA, A. R. THE BIBLICAL AND EROTIC POETRY OF THE CANTICE . Estudos Linguísticos e Literários, Salvador, n. 73, p. 09–32, 2022. DOI: 10.9771/ell.i73.48107. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.