Critical Discourse Analysis, Covid-19 CPI, Discourse genresAbstract
As individuals endowed with language, human beings communicate through discursive genres. Based on this, the objective of this work is to analyze how the discursive genre cartoon represents and (re)constructs, discursively, the event of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI). For this, the present text is based on the assumptions of Critical Discourse Analysis (FAIRCLOUGH, 2003), by sharing the idea of discourse as a social practice. In the analysis of two cartoons that deal with the CPI event of Covid-19, it is clear that the (re)construction of a given socio-discursive situation takes place from the mobilization of semantic resources such as irony and metaphor, as a way of to foster a critical reflection on the negationism and anti-scientism of the Bolsonarista discourse. It is concluded that the use of discursive genres does not occur randomly, but as actions that generate criticality and changes in the social structure.
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