Discourse Analysis, President, Discursive memory, Discursive FormationAbstract
This article aims to bring a reflection on the concepts of Training Discursive and Discursive Memory, from the perspective of French Discourse Analysis, (AD), through the speech of Jair Messias Bolsonaro, president of Brazil. The purpose of this The work consists of analyzing, through a discursive approach, one of the manifestations, took place on April 19, 2020, Army Day, in the city of Brasília, and which had the participation of President Jair Bolsonaro who, in front of a military unit of the army, made a speech to the demonstrators present. The pronouncement of the head of state, linguistic material to be subjected to analysis, cannot be seen as dissociated from a complex whole of elements political, social and discursive. Therefore, it appears that the two enunciative functions of the subject of the presidential discourse, examined in the research, unequivocally indicate the authoritarian nature of this discourse that does not hesitate to silence the discourse-other in the same movement that simulates its representation.
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