The autumn of the patriarch, García Márquez, Memory, HistoryAbstract
The article proposes to discuss the relationship between history and memory in the novel The Autumn of the Patriarch, by Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez, published in 1975. It starts with a discussion based on theoretical texts on memory and history, by thinkers such as Paul Ricoeur, Michael Pollak, Hugo Achugar and Jacques Le Goff. The study focuses as the patriarch, character of the novel, builds the official memory for the nation under your domain, and how, after the death of the dictator, different reports, marginalized and silenced by the official history create by the government, appear on the public scene building other stories of the motherland. The investigation discusses the relations between history and literature in what it refers to the dictatorship and to the character patriarch, as well as the disputes over memory and the revelation of the official historical narrative that justified the absolute power of the patriarch.
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