Human dignity and nature: an analysis of Special Appeal No. 1.797.175-SP in the light of transconstitutionalism




Human and nature dignity, Fundamental right to the environment, Rights of present and future generations, Rights of nature


Human dignity is a concept built by Kant, where the human being enjoys dominance and relevance over everything that exists on the planet. With the ecological crisis, reflecting the complexity of modern society, the life-man-nature relationship is being rethought, reflecting in the expansion of the legal-constitutional protection of the environment and in the recognition of Nature Rights, in the legal order of many States. The objective of the research was to analyze REsp nº 1,797,175-SP in order to seek a balance in the relationship between man and nature so that both can live well. The adopted method of analysis was transconstitutionalism itself as a cross-cutting rationality between the Brazilian state legal order and the legal orders of other states. Based on this rationality, bibliography and judicial decisions were used, relating to the projection of rights over human dignity and nature, as instruments of data collection. It was concluded that the recognition of human and non-human dignity is ambiguous and is not sufficient to guarantee the rights of present and future generations, in particular, the fundamental right to an ecologically balanced environment. This is even when the legal-constitutional protection of the environment considers the ecological dimension of human dignity and, through transconstitutional dialogue with other state legal orders, the dignity of nature itself and even as a subject of its own rights.


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Author Biographies

Leonardo Leite Nascimento, Universidade Federal da Paraíba/Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Jurídicas (PPGCJ/UFPB)

Doctoral student in Legal Sciences at the Federal University of Paraíba - UFPB, Master in Environmental Law at the Amazonas State University - UEA, João Pessoa/PB, Brazil.

Fernando Joaquim Ferreira Maia, Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Doctor in Law - UFPE, Associate Professor of the Center for Legal Sciences - UFPB, Professor of the Graduate Program in Legal Sciences - UFPB.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, L. L., & Maia, F. J. F. (2022). Human dignity and nature: an analysis of Special Appeal No. 1.797.175-SP in the light of transconstitutionalism. Brazilian Animal Law Journal, 17.



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