


Pandemic. Humanitarian Reset. International Pandemic Treaty. Global Justice. Transhumanity.


The humanitarian crisis triggered by the pandemic has provoked important reflections about the need for a paradigm shift in the international community's posture in the post-pandemic environment, especially in terms of the re-signification of standards consolidated under the influence of the anthropocentric perspective, which guided the relationship between human beings and nature. In this context, in order to consolidate global justice, the work proposes as its general objective the legal institute of transhumanity, having as its specific objective the study of the humanitarian reset for the consolidation of multicultural and intercultural global citizenship. Using the deductive method, with documentary procedure and doctrinal, jurisprudential and legislative approach, the paper intends to confirm the premise that there is a need for humanitarian reset and global justice to conclude that humanity is capable of transcending itself and reconnecting with the unity inherent to it as a global tribe. The outcome of the research focuses on the scientific contribution regarding the legal institute referred to in the article as transhumanity. Thus, the central problem of the paper is the legal institutionalization of transhumanity in accordance with the principles of dignity, global solidarity and universal fraternity.


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Author Biography

Claudia Loureiro, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Professora Permanente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia; Estágio de Pesquisa Pós-Doutoral em Direito concluído em 2021(NOVA/Lisboa), 2019 (FADUSP) e 2016 (FDUC); Doutora e Mestre pela PUC/SP; Pesquisadora Líder do Grupo Biodireito, Bioética e Direitos Humanos/UFU e do Observatório Interamericano e Europeu dos ODS/UFU.


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How to Cite

Loureiro, C. (2022). THE GLOBAL RESET: A PATH TO TRANSHUMANITY. Brazilian Animal Law Journal, 17, e172208.