A natureza dos animais não humanos e a sua proteção jurídica
Through an exploratory investigation, based on a qualitative methodology with bibliographic research, this article analyzes the grounds that justify the necessary legal protection of the interests of non-human animals. The subject ordinarily involves the question of the legal nature of these animals. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the language of Law to note that your concepts are usually stipulations that don't depend on the ontological characteristics of the classified objects. The problem is whether the effective legal protection of these animals depends on their subordination to the category of persons. The hypothesis is that the protection doesn't depend on which legal category non-human animals are framed. They are entities that deserve dignified treatment because it is an ethical imperative that stems from the need for men to avail themselves of that relationship as an environment that provides them with the opportunity to exercise a virtuous and, therefore, meaningful life, thus promoting their moral development.
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