El teletrabajo como elemento alternativo en la época de la post pandemia del COVID-19 en España


  • Salvador Morales Ferrer Universidad de Valencia




Due to the pandemic that Spain is suffering and its possible outbreaks that currently exist, even in a possible return to confinement, the Spanish legislator adopted the teleworking measure. On the other hand, teleworking is not a new legal figure since it was assumed in Spain in the 2008 crisis. This implies that in this situation and by means of new technologies remote work has been implemented, materializing in an improvement Legislative implementation both from the Labor Law, as well as in the Administrative Law field, favoring the workers who are vulnerable to the pandemic, either by age or, they are workers and, polymedicated workers as a basic element to respect their health, being able These exercise their work from their own homes. Since many of these workers have and are so-called essential workers such as doctors, large companies or banks.


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How to Cite

Morales Ferrer, S. (2021). El teletrabajo como elemento alternativo en la época de la post pandemia del COVID-19 en España. Brazilian Animal Law Journal, 16(2), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.9771/rbda.v16i2.46581