Immersive processes – kinesthetic perception and its role in the synthesis of sensorimotor knowledge in life and in art
Dance. Perception. Habits. Empathy. Kinesthesia.Abstract
Departing from the description of an immersion experience lived by one of the authors, during a Zoom video conference, - in which, due to degrees of involvement, the spaces on the screens were confused and mixed in her perception - the article intends to build a reflection about the role of perceptual and motor habits in our relationship with the environment and with others, both in the context of everyday life as well as in art. The hypothesis created is that specific sensorimotor skills, requested in current virtual interactions, and mediated by the platforms in use, are still in process of development and integration. Adaptation and habituation are underway. In light of contributions from the embodied cognition approach, by cognitive sciences, as well as aesthetic empathy, this hypothesis will lead to the construction of an argument that focuses on the importance of kinesthetic perception in our immersions in life, in artistic creation and appreciation.
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