Educating with ass

Introduction to the pedagogies of the body and pleasure




This text seeks to initiate a debate raised through the class “Educating with the ass: traveco-terrorism and gender decoloniality in art”, to think about the implications of pleasure and the body as pedagogical and artistic powers. Therefore, the entire introduction of the class held at the Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA) Dance School was transcribed, which even discusses the media response and its reception in the public space. The text transposes orality as a knowledge production mechanism, therefore, what was written emerges from the oral act. Finally, the text brings a written conclusion on the topics presented, also thinking about dissident views and perspectives of Brazilian researchers on the subject.


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Author Biography

Tertuliana Mascarenhas Lustosa, Universidade Federal da Bahia

É mestranda em Cultura e Sociedade pela Universidade Federal da Bahia



How to Cite

Lustosa, T. M. (2023). Educating with ass: Introduction to the pedagogies of the body and pleasure. Revista Periódicus, 2(19), 180–192.