Potential of Geographical Indication for Honey Produced by Stingless Bee From Alagoinhas – Bahia





Stingless bee honey , Beekeeping , Cooperation , Therapeutic and nutritional value , Health promoter.


Bee honey is a food widely used by humanity since ancient times due to its nutritional and therapeutic value, playing an important role as an antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Its production takes place all over the world. The Geographical Indication (GI) refers to some attributes inherent to a product or service that is related to its territory, whether by human intervention or natural factors. The objective of this work is to analyze the GI potential of honey from Alagoinhas. The methodology used was bibliographical and qualitative research to identify the potential of the GI of the honey produced in Alagoinhas by stingless bees. Beekeeping is a growing activity in this region with production and marketing. Bee honey has qualities inherent to the type of vegetation in the region, differing from similar ones by having greater antimicrobial activity and more varieties of medicinal functionality.


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Author Biographies

Valdir Silva Conceição, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil

Master's student at the Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation - PROFNIT. Master in Technological Management by SENAI-CIMATEC (2012). Graduated in ADMINISTRATION at the Federal University of Bahia - UFBA - (2018) and graduated in ACCOUNTING SCIENCES at the State University of Bahia - UNEB - (2005). He received a scholarship from the Federal University of Bahia-UFBA in the survey of data for Geographical Indication of Bilro de Saubara lace (2017/2018). Volunteer monitor in the discipline ICS60 - Entrepreneurship in Biotechnology - (2018). He has experience in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, with an emphasis on Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, working mainly on the following topics: inspection, responsibility, reporting, Geographical Indication, Saubara

Dayana Ferraz Silva, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil

Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology from the Federal University of Bahia, Chemistry Register at CRQ-7. Postgraduate student in Phytotherapy EAD at Faveni. Voluntary Monitoring of the Baianambiental Extension Project and volunteer member of the Laboratory of Applied Microbiology to Bioprospection ? LAMAB, from the Institute of Health Sciences (ICS) at UFBA, developing a Research Project related to the Detection of Secondary Metabolites of Endophytic Fungi Extracts associated with Manilkara salzmannii, from the restinga of Salvador BA". Fascinated by Entrepreneurship, founder of the company BIOFERRAZ health and sustainability. Experience in natural science classes, scientific consultancy, intellectual property consultancy, consultancy in good production practices, waste management, administrative routines, team management and training, laboratory routines, label production, research and development of functional foods and natural cosmetics.Computer domain.

Angela Machado Rocha, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil

Angela Machado Rocha has a degree in Chemical Engineering (UFBA), Specialization in Petrochemical Processing Engineering (UFBA), MBA in Marketing (FGV), Doctorate in Energy and Environment (UFBA) with a sandwich period held at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta-States United). She is an Advisor to the Coordination of Innovation at UFBA (NIT-UFBA), Professor at the Institute of Health Sciences (ICS-UFBA), at the Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation (ProfNIT) Focal Point UFBA, and Collaborating Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Interactive Processes of Organs and Systems (PIOS) UFBA. She leads the IES Research Group - Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship. She is a Professor at Eleva Junior Biotechnology Company at UFBA


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How to Cite

Conceição, V. S., Silva, D. F., & Rocha, A. M. (2022). Potential of Geographical Indication for Honey Produced by Stingless Bee From Alagoinhas – Bahia. Cadernos De Prospecção, 15(2), 618–633. https://doi.org/10.9771/cp.v15i2.47406



Indicações Geográficas