Analysis of Potential on Management Technology Based on Social Media Data and Trends




Social media, Technological Foresight, Trends.


This paper is an analysis of management technology based on social media data and trends. Companies has been using data analytics technologies from social media platforms to enhance their production and improve relationships with users (customers). The research methodology used was a research trend, measured by production of scientific articles, linked with the patent registration analysis. Main research presents details collected on Web of Science (articles) and Espacenet (patents) databases, in complement this research presents suggestion forwarding for similar future papers, following databases: Espacenet, Patentscope, Web of Science and Google Scholar were used. Results revealed that the technology in question is in advanced level of development, consolidated, but constantly updated because data and technology-related actors are constantly changing.


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Author Biographies

Fabrício de Andrade Raymundo, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, DF, Brazil

Master's student in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation, by the Graduate Program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation at the University of Brasília (PROFNIT/UnB); postgraduate degree in Literature, from UnB, in Police Sciences, from the Higher Institute of Police Sciences (ISCP), and in Legal Sciences, from the Cruzeiro do Sul University (UNICSUL); Bachelor of Laws from the University of the City of São Paulo, graduated in Spanish Letters and Literature from UnB.

Eduardo Antonio Ferreira, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, DF, Brazil

Teacher of the Pharmacy Undergraduate Course at the University of Brasília (UnB) / Faculty of Ceilândia (FCE), in the disciplines Introduction to Clinical Analysis and Clinical Biochemistry.

Sônia Marise Salles Carvalho, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, DF, Brazil

PhD in Sociology of Work at the Graduate Program in Sociology at the University of Brasília. Associate Professor I with academic activities in teaching, research, extension and management at the Technological Development Support Center - CDT, either in the Vice-direction of this Center, in the Coordination of the School of Entrepreneurship and in the Coordination of the Social Technology Incubator. Current coordinator of PROFNIT Professor working in the disciplines of Methodology, Research Project Seminar, Technological Entrepreneurship, Systemic Interactions and Innovation, Geographical Indication.

Tânia Cristina Cruz, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, DF, Brazil

Coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Management (GAM/FUP). Coordinator of the Course on Sociobiodiversity and Sustainability of the Cerrado at Centro UNB Cerrado. Member of the Graduate Program (Professional Master's) in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation (PROFNIT/UnB) working in the lines of research in Social Technology, Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

Leila Fernandes dos Santos, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, DF, Brazil

Collaborating researcher in the disciplines of Technological Entrepreneurship and Research Methodology of the Master's Program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation at PROFNIT – Polo UnB. Master in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation by PROFNIT – Polo UnB. Specialist in school libraries and librarian at the University of Brasília.

Marcio Lima da Silva, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, DF, Brazil

PhD in Fluid Mechanics, Energetics and Processes from the Université de Rhones-Alpes (2014) Degree in Mechanical Engineering from UnB (2010)


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How to Cite

Raymundo, F. de A., Ferreira, E. A., Carvalho, S. M. S., Cruz, T. C., Santos, L. F. dos, & Silva, M. L. da. (2019). Analysis of Potential on Management Technology Based on Social Media Data and Trends . Cadernos De Prospecção, 12(5), 1421.