Proposal of Instruments for Minimum Management of Technological Innovation in Home Appliance Industries




Linha Branca, Gerenciamento de Projetos, PMBOK.


The ability to adapt to the ever-changing marketplace is a factor of increasing competitiveness in the consumer goods industries, however the risks and uncertainties inherent in innovation are contrary to their need for security, predictability and control. This study proposes a new approach to technological innovation through the adoption of a set of instruments that represent a minimum management of innovation processes in order to minimize uncertainties, failures and their financial impacts without requiring excessively new approaches from companies. A bibliographic research about this problem was carried through and interview with managers of the main national white line companies and study of their processes, after presenting the components of the proposed methodology. The study suggests that an accessible approach could enable technological innovation and promote the strengthening of national industry.


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Author Biography

Robinson Aurélio Miolo, Instituto Federal do Ceará

Design and Technological Innovation Manager at Esmaltec Eletrodomésticos


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How to Cite

Miolo, R. A., Rodrigues, A. W. de O., Araújo, A. L. C. de, & Carvalho, T. V. (2020). Proposal of Instruments for Minimum Management of Technological Innovation in Home Appliance Industries. Cadernos De Prospecção, 13(3), 635.



Propriedade Intelectual, Inovação e Desenvolvimento