Patents Technological Prospecting of Proteases Used in Cheese Making




Protease, Cheese Making, Patent.


Proteases are important products to the enzymes market worldwide. As an example, they are key molecules required for cheese making, more specifically in the milk-clotting process. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the innovation in proteases utilization by the food industry, especially in cheese making, through the analysis of patents from Espacenet and National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI). Firstly, a general search retrieved 3,402 (Espacenet and INPI) patents on proteases; 93 patents on plant proteases. A specific search, adding keywords related to cheese making, resulted in 19 patents on proteases (Espacenet and INPI) and 3 on plant proteases (Espacenet). Both scenarios have companies as leading investors. Brazil has been practically absent in this area of innovation. It should be highlighted that the few patents obtained in the specific search might indicate the innovation in proteases for cheese making as an exciting point of technological development.


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Author Biographies

Amanda Dias da Rocha Lima, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil

Bachelor of Biotechnology - UFC Laboratory of Biotechnological Application of Algae and Plants Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology federal University of Ceara

Vilmara Albuquerque de Farias, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil

Graduate Program in Biochemistry - Doctoral Student (UFC) Laboratory of Biotechnological Application of Algae and Plants Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Federal University of Ceara

Hermógenes David de Oliveira, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil

Associate ProfessorTeacher Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Graduate Program in Biochemistry - Advisor Research areas: Biotechnological applications of plant proteins; Enzymes in Biotechnology.


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How to Cite

Lima, A. D. da R., Farias, V. A. de, & Oliveira, H. D. de . (2018). Patents Technological Prospecting of Proteases Used in Cheese Making. Cadernos De Prospecção, 11(5), 1726.