An Approach to the General Scenario of Industrialized Juices by Patents in the Context of Healthy Food




Juice, Healthy, Patents.


The search for a healthier diet alters the attitudes of the consumers with regard to the choice to consume certain foods. In this context, there is a growing trend in the consumption of processed juices with an appeal to be healthy. This increase creates opportunities for innumerable innovations. In this sense, this work aims to verify the innovations developed for the industrial juice sector through patents, as well as its behavior in the face of the growing scenario of increased consumption of processed juices that have some type of processing that are considered healthy by the consumer. It was used the ORBIT® patent base, which has international coverage. There is a growing trend in the volume of deposits that treat juices considered healthy, wherein China is the largest depositor. In Brazil, it was possible to verify only 18 requests.


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How to Cite

Linhares, F. R., & Carmo, F. L. do. (2018). An Approach to the General Scenario of Industrialized Juices by Patents in the Context of Healthy Food. Cadernos De Prospecção, 11(5), 1698.