Transfer of Technology and Social Impact Business: a study on the State of Art in the last 10 years




Technology Transfer, Social Impact Business, Innovation.


Social impact Business seek to prioritize the solution of social problems and the generation of social value, different positioning of the traditional business model that focus on creating profit for its shareholders. Possessing various modalities, the mechanism of transmitting a technology from one institution to another, is called Technology Transfer. This study aimed to carry out a systematic review of the literature aiming at surveying the state of the art on social impact and technology transfer business in the last 10 years. Research was done on the scientific basis of Scopus and Science Direct. It is concluded that the topic is of interest today, but there is a need for more research that approaches the subject and find ways to adapt the practices of Technology Transfer to the complexity of Social Impact Business.


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Author Biography

João Paulo Ajala Sorgato, Federal University of Alagoas, Maceio, AL, Brazil

Graduated in Business Administration from the Federal University of Alagoas (2008). Specialization in Public Management at the Federal University of Alagoas (2012), MBA in Project Management at FGV (2014). Regular student of PROFNIT - Class 2017l He is currently an administrator at the Instituto Federal de Alagoas. He has experience in the area of ​​Administration, with emphasis on Business Strategy, Public Planning, Project Management, Strategy. Acting mainly on the following topics: corporate governance, information technology governance, innovation, planning, project management, organizations and strategy.


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How to Cite

Sorgato, J. P. A., Almeida, C. B. L., & Bittencourt, I. M. (2019). Transfer of Technology and Social Impact Business: a study on the State of Art in the last 10 years. Cadernos De Prospecção, 12(1), 48.



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