When the Borders Fades in the Space of Poetic Orality

Inscriptions of the Voice in the Songs and Tales of Samba Chula



This article, an excerpt from a larger master's degree research in the area of Literature and Culture, engages a discussion concerning the poetic making of chula songs from a samba de roda group in the backlands of Bahia, delving into the intricate frontiers that envelop their singing, given that the “chula” is developed in verses in a lyric form without losing its inherent narrative tone. The discussions here articulate theoretical contributions that stress orality and its multiple constitution forms of poetic making, the poetic-musical performance of samba chula and its inscriptions within the Afro-Brazilian cosmogony, which prioritizes the voice and the body as a place of ancestral traversal and the inscription of memory.


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Author Biography

Luciano Santos Xavier, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA)

Doutorando em Literatura e Cultura  pela Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Mestre em Literatura e Cultura também pela UFBA, graduado em Letras, Língua Portuguesa e Literaturas pela Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB). Integrante dos Grupos de Pesquisa: LEFOR (UNEB), PEPLP (UFBA), NEAI (UFBA) e Arribar o Céu (UNEB). Possui experiência acadêmica na área de Letras, no campo das teorias e crítica da literatura e da cultura, desenvolvendo pesquisas em torno das poéticas da oralidade, performances e (est)éticas afro-indígenas, literatura negra, arte-educação, ensino de literatura, formação leitora, territorialidades e estéticas sertanejas.



How to Cite

Xavier, L. S. . (2024). When the Borders Fades in the Space of Poetic Orality: Inscriptions of the Voice in the Songs and Tales of Samba Chula. Inventário, (33), 191–206. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufba.br/index.php/inventario/article/view/60864


