


Communication and Consumption, Advertising, Ageism


The article aims to reflect on certain communication processes and their relationship with current ways of being and modes of sociability. To this end, it highlights the privileged position occupied by advertising communication in ongoing disputes around the production of meanings for aging and longevity. We present the sociocultural foundations of the discussion on how certain negative prejudices about old age still largely inform the media production. We focus on the analysis of empirical data for a critical reflection on the subject. We highlight the promotion of agelessness, ideology which advocates that individuals take responsibility for how they “choose” to age. We argue in favor of the social relevance of academic research and its active engagement in the struggle against ageism, in favor of the constitution of renovated communicational processes conducive to a respectful coexistence among generations.


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Author Biography

Gisela Grangeiro da Silva Castro, ESPM(SP)

Doutora em Comunicação e Cultura (UFRJ), com pós-doutorado em Sociologia (Goldsmiths, University of London). Docente Titular do PPGCOM ESPM, São Paulo, com pesquisa sobre envelhecimeto, longevidade, comunicação e consumo. E-mail:


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